Overflowing Grace
God isn't waiting for us to be worthy. God waits for us to be willing, obedient, and fully aware of our need for God.
No Place Like Home
How might our own faithful journey through life be impacted if we align ourselves with God's plans instead of expecting God to serve our
Fulfilling Life
May the Word that is fulfilled in each of us be life-affirming, truth-seeking, joy-bringing, and love-showing.
Water to Wine
As we invite Jesus into all of the moments of our lives - big and small, sacred and secular - we, too, will experience immeasurable, abundan
John knew that both he and the water he used to baptize were just stand-ins for the awesome power that was to come.
The star they followed illuminated their path through the darkness of worldly kingship and led them to the Light of the world.
The Father's Business
We will find Jesus when we are on one accord with his Father, our Father - when we are about the Father's business.
Make Room
May we follow the lead of our Savior - seeking not to have room made for us, but making room for the least, the last, and the lost - bringin
Refining Peace
While we are not replicas of the Creator, may our relatedness be evident. Come, Lord Jesus, come.
Signs of the Times
We wait, not in fear, but in hope that the Love that chose to enter the world as a vulnerable babe will permeate the hearts and souls of all