We are called to strengthen each other, and we can be assured that, even when we feel cast out, we do not stand alone.
An Issue of Blood
But her hope wasn't completely gone. She had heard of Jesus and the many people he had healed.
Peace! Be Still!
In order to experience God's peace, we have to be willing to stand up to the giants in our lives and sail in the midst of the storm.
See What God Sees
In each of us exists a potential that's so much more than meets the eye.
A House Divided
And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.
On the sabbath Jesus could be found teaching and healing
Born From Above
But Jesus is speaking figuratively about the mysteries of the Spirit.
Life in the Spirit
The Spirit of God sustains life with guidance, wisdom, and intercession.
Life Laid Down
Those who have gone before us are the bridge we now walk over.
Abide In the Vine
We can trust that our connectedness to the vine will make our fruit as full and sweet as the Vinegrower intends.