Although Samuel didn't know it was God who called him, Samuel answered with a servant's heart, "Here I am".
They knew something amazing was happening and they wanted to be there to see for themselves and pay tribute.
New Day, New Year
What we know of these two believers is their posture of faithful waiting in the anticipation of fulfilled expectations.
Christmas 2017
At the dawn of creation God spoke light
Joy To The World
An attitude of gratitude is key to accessing the joy within.
Cry Out
We can trust that, in time, the light will overcome the darkness.
While We Wait
What if, instead of focusing on the things we're waiting for, we focused on the One who is eager to multiply our gifts and bless us abun
Ready or Not
Throughout the pages of the Old and New Testaments, God has been calling God's people to be steadfastly faithful.
We can not effectively lead others if we don't know the way, and we can not effectively be led if we think we already know the way.
The Greatest of These
If, in thanksgiving for God's grace, we extend grace to others, we are laying down our lives.