We may not come away from our circumstances and challenges physically injured, but we are changed, refined, and polished in the process of b
Hidden Treasure
In the face of Laban's deceit, Jacob remains faithful.
More often God blesses us in spite of our selves, and our sin rather than because of anything we have done right.
Plans vs Purpose
Sometimes, like a whirlwind, our days go by in a jumble of to-do lists, meetings, commitments. Life.
Faithful Servant
This week we leave behind one painful story of God's provision to look at another, more joyful, expression of that provision.
Disturbing Faith
God does not leave us to our hopeless circumstances, or our helpless states of mind. God is faithful.
God knows, God cares
We can count on God's love, care and provision. May God open our eyes to see it!
Ridiculous Faith
Be encouraged! Remain faithful, and continue to trust that God will do what God has promised.
Love - Pass it on
We make disciples by sharing God's love with others. But we can't share what we don't know we have.
Pentecost II
In number and in faith, they grew. It was all they could do. It was the only thing  they could do.