Who Knows?
1Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time: 2 “Go to the great city of Nineveh and proclaim to it the message I give you.” 3...
Peace! Be Still!
In order to experience God's peace, we have to be willing to stand up to the giants in our lives and sail in the midst of the storm.
Life in the Spirit
The Spirit of God sustains life with guidance, wisdom, and intercession.
Abide In the Vine
We can trust that our connectedness to the vine will make our fruit as full and sweet as the Vinegrower intends.
Good Shepherd
Jesus did indeed lay down his life for us all.
Seed of Faith
If, in fear of it's destruction, the seed holds itself tightly together, it will never grow - never become more.
What's In A Name
God makes known God's intention to do something new in the lives of these two flawed people.
A Desert Place
The desert places in our lives can cause us to feel parched and desperate.
Rumor Has It
Isaiah encourages them to remember who God is and all that God has brought them through.
Joy To The World
An attitude of gratitude is key to accessing the joy within.