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"I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name-the name you gave me-so that they may be one as we are one." John 17:11 (NIV)

The above quote is from Jesus' prayer for the disciples and the believers who would follow - that we would be one. It seems that we are so far from this hope. The world, and even the church, feel more divided than ever.

Most of the definitions and synonyms of "unity" are exactly what we'd expect: agreement, solidarity, oneness, consensus, accord. We know we can only hope to achieve these states of being with divine intervention. But there are other terms that may get closer to the heart of Jesus' hope and prayer: cooperation, harmony, collaboration, integration. These words make it clear that the unique qualities of each individual are necessary for the good of the whole. It may not be any easier to achieve unity in this way, but perhaps it's easier to wrap our minds around. There used to be a saying - "get in where you fit in" - that strikes me as an excellent expression of this type of unity. We are all teachers, students, and co-laborers. We all have as much to learn as we have to teach. And, that we share and express our gifts differently should encourage us to actively seek the beauty in our diversity. Can you look for qualities of beauty in those with whom you disagree? Let's take a step together toward unity, in Jesus's name. Amen

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