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Memorial Day

In the midst of this holiday weekend, we pause to remember what Memorial Day is really about. It's a day to honor the service men and women who have given their lives for this country, and for the freedom of people the world over. May we never forget them or the families who have lost husbands, sons, wives, daughters, aunts and uncles. Freedom has never been free. And the cost is evident in the empty seat at family gatherings.

I pray for the day when there are no more wars to fight, and no more people to be freed. Whether or not we agree with the individual missions, we support those who go - those who serve. We can honor them by living lives of service to the least, the last,and the lost. In this way, we are all called to be service men and women .

Dear Lord, we thank you for those who have given of themselves to serve others. We thank you for those who fought so we could have peace. Strengthen and keep their families. Fill the empty places with good memories and laughter even in the midst of tears. Move us all to do your will, and bring about a world where freedom, peace, justice and good-will are the rule rather than the exception. Have mercy, O Lord. Amen

candle memorial

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