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Psalm Sung Blue


I can no longer muster surprise or shock

when the world reveals itself as severely lost.

Some take offense when others take a knee -

ready to rewrite rule books to ensure they don't have to see

the real life struggles with injustice behind the fantasy.

But the same offended shrug their shoulders

when homegrown terror fills innocents with ridiculously legal artillery.

"My God, my God why have you forsaken me?"

This is the refrain I feel the whole earth sing

with hurricanes and earthquakes

in force and magnitude previously unseen.

My country 'tis of thee,

where is the day we can truly sing

of freedom for all, and liberty?

When will black and brown lives matter

in our own communities?

My God, my God why have we forsaken you?

How long must we raise our voices

in a psalm



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