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Palms & Passion

palm and cross

We celebrate Palm Sunday in the shadow of the cross. We know the pain that is to come, yet we wave palm branches and hail the Triumphal Entry of the king.

The last days of Jesus' life are a journey of contradictions. During a dinner with friends, Jesus is beautifully anointed only to explain that it was preparation for his burial. He enters Jerusalem in understated pomp, riding on a colt representing humility rather than the proud warrior the people sought. How bitter sweet everything must have seemed as Jesus did everything for, what he knew would be, the last time. At this point in the scriptures the disciples were filled with hope as they enter Jerusalem with Jesus. Seeing the crowds waving palm branches and laying garments in the path for Jesus to ride over, they must have felt that they were finally going to see Jesus fulfill his purpose. And so he did, but it wasn't the purpose they expected. Jesus' purpose, or passion, was our salvation.

The people lining the street shouted "Hosanna" which meant "save, we pray". In both defiance and acceptance of all that was to come Jesus received their cries. As of this writing, our country has just experienced it's 16th school shooting of the year. It's only March. As much as ever, we must join our voices with those so long ago.

13 They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting,


Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!

Blessed is the king of Israel!” (John 12:13)

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